"The Devious Person" is the first novel ever written by the author. The author had run the plot with adventures, mysteries, and so on. The success of the book of the author was formulated with the skill of reading. The author devoured any book he could find which soon led him to construct stories. "The Devious Person" is the author's second book after his maiden book, The Abysmal Theif and Other Stories. The author is just aged 12 years but it was not a complication to him. The success of reading gave the author the skill of writing. The small flame of reading had led to a huge fire of writing. The author believes that a flame could lead to fire which had happened in his life. His first book "The Abysmal Thief and the Other Stories" was a huge success. 
His second book, which was written as a novel follows the adventure of a charming private detective, Rohan. Join him as he solves Mysteries, bad guys and even conquers some of his fears, all the while looking as cool as a cucumber.
  The author's book is currently available at the Publisher's website now, the link is as follows:

Emerald Publisher's

The author had also registered in to hear the queries and reviews of the book. The link is given below:

The author is waiting forward to hearing the comments of the book. Waiting forward to hearing your valuable feedbacks and reviews of the book after reading it for the author's future endeavors.

